Have Cps ever taken your child(children) or someone you know, or just maybe a story you heard or seen? Well... Please feel free to tell it here! this site is for people who want to say what they got to say , voice an opinion, vent or disagree w/ gov abuse such as cps or entire system they call "all about the child s' best interest " I encourage you to please, vent, let it all out, don't hesitate to to hold back on your voice! I assure you, No criticism here...Let's hear it
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
As of 12/26/2009 I have been fighting cps to get my 5 yr old little boy back in my custody. I had left my 2 children with my boyfriend (at the time) who is the father of the second child. well... I stayed gone for 5 days because I was out looking for a new place to live for my children and I because I was just found out that my ex was cheating on me when i was 8 months prego with our baby. Anyway, he took the 2 kids to grandmas (my mom) to watch them while he went to work. When he came back to pick them up my mom said he could take the baby, but she can't let him take my 5 yr old. The reason is because she had called cps on me saying I had abandoned my son and left him in an endangered environment. So here I am almost 2 years later still fighting for my baby. the next twist to the story on how screwed up the system and cps really are. The judge and cps are about one more court date from granting my ex husband custody of my son. Now mind you this man has 8 adult assault charges, Spent 2 yrs in prison for murder, went to prison for 15 months on a DV assault on me,( They dropped the one of the charges. The one that he tried to kill me on, And finally he just got fired from his job do to sexual harassment claim filed against him from a co-worker. So they have knocked me out of the pic almost entirely. the only involvement I have in the case now is I show up to the hearings. Before that I did every referral, requirement, or court order they had me jump through. I never defaulted or missed any app. When my ex-husband became involved. I slowly had little or no say on anything. They stopped my visits and wanted me to sign away my parental rights. I refused and now I am defaulted in all services. I assure you this is really the honest truth on what's happening. I don't do drugs I am not an alcoholic. My life style and parenting skills were great and stable and my kids were happy Healthy and sheltered. this should not be happening. Who in there right mind think it's ok to give a dangerous person a child. CPS The one who has and is suffering the most Is the child. but CPS don't care. They call them selves saying "they are for the children". Yeah they are all for destroying happy homes and ruining lives. The parents that need their kids taken away stay and the ones that are fine go. What a screwed up system we have in my opinionhttp://www.blogger.com/%3C!--%20Place%20this%20tag%20where%20you%20want%20the%20+1%20button%20to%20render%20--%3E%20%3Cg:plusone%20annotation=%22inline%22%3E%3C/g:plusone%3E%20%20%3C!--%20Place%20this%20render%20call%20where%20appropriate%20--%3E%20%3Cscript%20type=%22text/javascript%22%3E%20%20%20(function()%20%7B%20%20%20%20%20var%20po%20=%20document.createElement('script');%20po.type%20=%20'text/javascript';%20po.async%20=%20true;%20%20%20%20%20po.src%20=%20'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js';%20%20%20%20%20var%20s%20=%20document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];%20s.parentNode.insertBefore(po,%20s);%20%20%20%7D)();%20%3C/script%3E